
Our Research and Development team have created a listing of the herbs used in our product, Herbafresh. We have looked into and studied the various aspects of plant effects and their compositions.

During our study, we have noted that the power of herbs far supercedes that of Pharmeuciticals. The reason behind this is that chemical antibiotics like penicillin have only one or two composites. However, herbs like Yarrow have over a hundred composites. Some herbs have even been noted to contain over 2,000 different composites. All these composites help to mitigate the side effects of each element, while potentiating each other to strengthen each other’s effects. However, over the past decades, scientists have decided to extract a single element out of the many hundreds of elements from a plant. They then refined them into a pill. Bacteria have become resistant to many types of antibiotics due to this fact. With only one element, these bacteria are able to learn and adapt to their surroundings and neutralize the antibiotic with the creation of an enzyme. For example, some bacterial strains have learnt to survive conditions such as hot and cold environments. These bacteria have also made themselves stronger and harder for modern medicine to counter them. This has led to the widespread growth of resistant-bacterial strains. In 1995, an American case study revealed that 99 percent of chicken eggs contain benign E. coli bacteria. 20 to 80 percent of chickens, 2 to 29 percent of turkeys, and 49 percent of ground turkey and chicken was found to be contaminated with Salmonella during routine inspections.

This piece of news can be frightening. Imagine what could happen if we continue to use Pharmeuciticals? Over the years, bacterial strains like the Staphylococcus Aureus have become resistant to one antibiotic after the other. Today vancomycin-resistant staph has emerged, which cannot be cured by any antibiotics found so far.

With the growth of resistant bacteria, we have to look for alternative sources like herbs, in which bacteria cannot become resistant to.

At the left sidebar, you will see all the herbs and natural products we used to make our mouth spray.